How To Store Rugs? Get Your Job Done With 4 Steps

When stored improperly, your rugs will lose their form, attract moths, and accumulate unpleasant odors. So how to store rugs correctly?  

You only need to follow these four steps:

  • Step 1: Clean the rug
  • Step 2: Roll the rug 
  • Step 3: Wrap the rug 
  • Step 4: Store it

We will discuss each step in detail right now. Let’s check and learn how to maintain the quality of your beautiful rug! 

How To Store Rugs? 

It is not a challenging task to properly store carpets. Follow these procedures to prepare your rug for storing to keep it protected.

Step 1: Clean the rug

Vacuum your rug well before starting the storing process. Try to employ a high-quality device to guarantee that you remove as much dust, dander, and other small particles as possible.

To avoid damaging the fragile weaving of some expensive rugs, use extreme caution when cleaning them.

After vacuuming, clean your rug according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Depending on the fabric and construction, you may need to apply different cleaning procedures.

So, check the item’s label first, and then use one of the methods listed below.

  • Woven rugs

Some woven rugs, such as the Christmas rugs, are washable. Put them in a zipped mesh washing bag and set a gentle cycle with a low dry setting. 

Then, place the carpets on a vinyl or concrete floor. Clean them with cleaning foam and rub them according to the guidelines.

Finally, rinse or vacuum the carpets. 

  • Oriental rugs

Put a nylon film over the carpet and vacuum it to protect the delicate antique rugs.

You can clean the oriental items in the same way as wool rugs. It would be perfect for cleaning these rugs every year so that they can withstand the sun and wear exposure. 

The sellers also recommend maintenance tips for you. Keep their advice in mind to treat the carpets correctly. 

oriental rug
The sellers may recommend carting tips for oriental items
  • Natural fiber

Because these natural fiber carpets let a lot of dirt pass through the floor, vacuuming them on a regular basis is essential.

Wipe any stains with soapy water and a gentle brush to clean them. To save the floor, lay a plastic sheet beneath your rug. 

Water can weaken the fibers. As a result, try to dry the item as quickly as possible. Consider using a dryer or a fan in this step.

Some of these carpets come in squares stitched together. It would help if you prepared some backup squares. If the stain has ruined a spot, you can replace it with the backup one. 

  • Fur rugs

Shake odorless talcum powder over the rugs, then leave them aside for a few hours.

Then, rub the powder and shake it thoroughly. Repeat the process until the rugs are clean.

We also have a related post which is pretty in-depth about how to clean rugs. Check it out!

Step 2: Roll the rug

Roll your rug so that it faces outwards. Although rolling it face-in can protect its surface, it puts much pressure on the rug’s backing and the adhesive that holds the pieces together. 

Do not roll the rug too tightly. You may risk weakening the glue and the backing, causing the fabric to curl up when you unroll it. 

After rolling, use the twine to tighten your rug. Twine is a perfect choice for fastening your rolled-up carpet. It holds the item securely without adding excessive pressure. 

If you don’t have a twine at hand, replace it with a rope. Make sure that rope fibers are soft so that they won’t wear or rub against the rug.

rolled rugs
Do not roll the rug too tightly

Step 3: Wrap the rug 

White Tyvek sheets are the ideal material for wrapping a rug. The synthetic substance in the paper can protect carpets from pests and dust. It also allows the fabric to breathe, preventing it from becoming moldy.

Step 4: Store it

When looking for a storeroom, choose one that is climate-controlled and free of pests and dust.

Sudden temperature changes will negatively impact your rug’s threads. No matter how well secured your carpet is, large dust influxes and bugs will ruin it. 

Unfortunately, garages, basements, and attics are among the worst locations to keep your carpets.

If you can’t locate a suitable storage place in your house, you might want to try hiring a professional storage unit.

Another storage tip is to place the carpet high without anything lying on it. The high position can protect the fabric from moisture that may leak into the space.

Moreover, when you put the item in a high place, nothing will fall and damage its backing.

a couple is wrapping a rug and lifting it up
The storeroom must be dry and clear of moth

Extra Tips For Storing Rugs  

In addition to the four steps we have discussed, you can take extra care of your rug with the following tips. 

Keep rugs away from humidity

High humidity stimulates the fungal growth that causes dry rot in cotton. Note that cotton is the foundation in most traditional rugs. 

If you live in a high moisture region and your house has terrible airflow, this problem can be worse. 

For example, houses in London suffer a lot from the glazed windows and wet, humid climate in wintertime. 

To promote adequate air circulation, aerate your home by opening all the windows every morning. 

It would be perfect for storing your carpets in a low-humidity area so that bacteria can’t grow. 

The dangers of dry rot are severe. Once the base of a carpet starts to break down, there is no way to solve the problem rather than cutting the damaged part out. 

Always lay it on something high off the ground to keep the carpet dry. It’s meaningless to clean the rug carefully and then place it on a damp floor. 

Keep the fabric away from the walls too. If a leak runs down from the wall, it will moisten the fabric and ruin its composition. 

A plastic crate is excellent since it doesn’t absorb water and allows air to circulate freely around the rug.

Moisture damages the fabrics quickly

Check your stored rugs frequently

You’ve followed all of the precautions listed above and understand how to handle rugs properly. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that you just leave them there without frequent checks. 

Every few months, thoroughly check the rugs for signs of mold or moth. A thorough check involves leveling the carpet and examining both sides. 

If the rugs smell musky in any manner or have any sign of discoloration, the fungus may have started to grow there. 

Pay extra attention to moth attacks

The control of moth attacks is one of the most significant determinants when storing carpets. You should apply moth repellent treatments as an extra layer of defense in the storeroom. 

When it comes to moth protection, it’s always a great idea to be excessively passionate. You can use the repellent in the storeroom too. If possible, set some moth traps there. 

If you can’t stand the repellent’s smell, you can try natural alternatives. The scent of clove, mint, and lavender are excellent at keeping moths at bay.  

Cedarwood is another excellent option. You can scatter the wood chips around the storeroom to attract months to hunt for a new habitat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some people have trouble storing their rugs. Here are some of their frequently asked questions. 

1. Can I store a rug in the garage?

No, putting this item in the garage is not a good idea since temperature variations might damage your carpet.

2. How long can you leave the carpet rolled up?

You can keep your carpet for 5 to 15 years. This timespan is dependent on a number of factors, including the rug’s composition, whether it is in a high-traffic area, and whether or not there are stains on it. 

3. Should you fold rugs?

Do not fold your carpet if not necessary since folding can cause cracks, creases, and some other damages. 

It’s better to roll your carpet into a cylinder. Determine which side is more sensitive first, and roll it that way. 

4. How do you store a sheepskin rug?

You should store these rugs in an area where they can breathe. If not, they may dry out and can’t maintain their stunning look.

Try hanging the items in your closet instead of keeping them in an airtight room or a plastic garment bag. 

5. Can you fold the carpet for transport?

Yes, you can. However, keeping the carpet folded for too long may affect its fabric. Instead, you can tie it on the top of your car for transport. 


Storing rugs is not a complicated task. The rule of thumb is to keep them away from humidity and moths and regularly inspect them. 

Hopefully, you will find this guide helpful. If you need more information about treating your rug, please feel free to contact Geembi for help at [email protected]. Or, if you have any interesting tips, please share them with us!

Thank you for reading! 

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