Native American Rugs: Origins & Designs

Hand-woven Native American rugs are always in high demand and can be expensive. What makes these carpets so unique and valuable?

That’s because of its long history, unique origins, and extraordinarily meticulous and labor-intensive handcrafted manufacturing technique.

There are numerous textiles on the market now that appear like genuine rugs. So, it’s crucial to know the differences to avoid wasting money.

If you also intend to buy some of these rugs, let’s dive into this article to learn about their unique features. Let’s get started! 

Native American Rugs History 

Native American rugs are also known as Navajo rugs because they are made by a tribe called Navajo in the United States. 

It is among the most prominent tribes. They settled in the American Southwest about 500 years ago.

They created a thriving civilization there, replete with their language, lifestyle, and religious belief.

Their carpets have made among the most remarkable impressions on modern civilization.

Blanket and rug weaving has traditionally been an essential component of Navajo civilization.

Although it is unknown where they learned to weave, they became one of the most talented Native American tribes.

The vibrant geometric motifs on exceptionally durable materials were well-known all across the Southwest.

Weaving and a novel weaving technique utilizing vertical looms have been brought to Navajo tribes by the Pueblo people.

Navajo citizens started weaving elongated, silky, and long-lasting fibers to create blankets and rugs thanks to these looms. 

The world was becoming increasingly interested in all items Native Americans around the start of the twentieth century.

Tourists from all over the world would flock to the Southwest in quest of genuine souvenirs.

Various rug patterns arose during the twentieth century, adding variation to genuine Native American carpets.

native american rug

Native American Rugs Designs 

The weavers named the Navajo rugs in the Navajo design after the regions from which they originated or the things that influenced them.

You may come across the following authentic Navajo weaving designs:

Crystal Rugs

There are no borders on these carpets. They’re manufactured with natural dyes from vegetables and have horizontal bands.

Stripes often include additional design components such as arrows, triangles, diamonds, and stars.

crystal varieties

Two Grey Hills

This carpet pattern originates from Two Grey Hills Trading Post. They are of exceptional quality and include beautiful designs.

The carpets are composed of undyed raw wool. Spirit lines go around the edges of the carpets as embellishments.

Chief Weaving

This unique Navajo pattern was dedicated to Navajo leaders. The weavers used the best-grade threads to create these carpets.

The designs are long-lasting and straightforward. These real Navajo weavings come in various colors, including blue, brown, and white.

Teec Nos Pos

This pattern boasts a broad border and elaborate geometric designs, and the weaver titled it after a Navajo village in northern Arizona.

Teec Nos Pos carpets have brilliant colors and intricate arrow and feather patterns in the middle.

Teec nos pos rug

How Can You Tell If A Native American Rug Is Real?  

These days, many fake Native American carpets are floating on the market. So if you want to buy one, you should check it out thoroughly.

It’s crucial to understand the distinction to prevent overpaying for products that aren’t worth much.

Inspect The Warp

The warp is among the first things to look for when attempting to identify an authentic Navajo rug.

The basis comprises warp threads that run vertically. The warp threads for Navajo carpets are woven on continuous looms.

You can check these warp threads with naked eyes. You can feel if the warp strings run the entire carpet length or have been severed by running your palm along the border. 

Check Lazy Lines

Another method to check the authenticity of a Navajo carpet is to search for lazy lines. These lines run diagonally through the fabric’s weave.

The weaver will travel to nearby parts of the thread throughout the weaving procedure, resulting in delicate diagonal patterns called lazy lines.

Only by looking at a picture online will you find it hard to identify these lines. 

Check Selvage Lines

Selvage lines go down the sides. The line comprises at least two threads that are twisted into each other and interwoven via the fabric’s border.

Selvage lines assist the weaver in maintaining a straight line and provide a polished appearance to the carpet.

The sight of these lines on a Navajo carpet indicates its authenticity.

Nevertheless, the lack of selvage lines does not always imply that the carpet is fake. You can quickly notice selvage lines even by looking at an image. 

authentic native american rug

Native American Rugs For Sale 

There are many various Native American rugs available today, but not all of them will suit your needs.

For instance, polyester rugs are good choices if you want to seek an affordable water-resistant Native American-themed rug. 

Here are some options to consider:

  • Polyester Native American area carpet
  • Moslion soft, cozy throw blanket Southwest Native American carpet
  • Concord South West Native American area carpet
  • Southwest Native American area carpet
  • Southwest Native American Runner area carpet

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How To Care For Native American Rugs 

Taking proper care of a Navajo rug may guarantee that it retains its brilliant colors and remains in good condition for many years.

Below are a few rug-care suggestions to consider:

  • Rotate or twist the threads occasionally.
  • Avoid using a beater bar on your carpet.
  • When vacuuming your carpet, avoid using broad vacuum attachments.
  • Prevent putting the carpet under strong sunlight for extended times
maintain native american rug

In A Nutshell

Native American rugs are high-quality, one-of-a-kind rugs boasting a long history. It is no surprise that they’ve grown in popularity over the last century.

These carpets are perfect for adding some unique Navajo ethos into your native American house and life. 

You may now get a Navajo and admire its beauty. Remember the tips to check for its authenticity mentioned above. 

Hopefully, this article will be helpful for you. Thanks for reading!

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